The Great Capsule Wardrobe Experiment

​I’ve been flirting with the idea of a capsule wardrobe for a while, but in all honesty it sounded impossible. That is, until I found Dominique of “All That is She”. She’s gotten me head over heels with the idea of a minimalistic capsule-esque wardrobe (research has shown me that the original concept has only twelve items…and I can assure you that’s not happening). So instead of chucking my carefully curated closet, I decided to put it aside for a month while I focus on a (very) whittled down version containing my most versatile and loved pieces. And so began the experiment!

I will be working off these 16 items for all of August! Capsules exclude workout wear, loungewear, and special occasion, so this won’t be the only sixteen items I put on this month, just for the everyday wardrobe!

​Despite all the research I did and the helpful handouts I printed out, I ended up going straight off how I felt when picking the items. I put the items I figured I’d need in the most basic of categories (tops, dresses, bottoms, cardis, shoes) and I brainstormed my favorite pieces in my wardrobe for each one. It was when I physically started putting outfits together that I realized some pieces weren’t quite as versatile as I’d thought. 
What really saved the day in the end was the Stylebook app! I purchased this app forever ago but never really used it (cringe). The app has some great updates since I originally purchased it which make it much more user friendly…and I’m so so glad! It even lets you put looks you’ve made into a calendar, which really hit the nail on the head for my purposes.
The screenshots above contain the 31 outfits I’ve preplanned for August, and I didn’t repeat an entire outfit once! They’re obviously rather similar for the most part, but not the same!

But why?

​^^^ As this is my most FAQ when I tell people about this crazy idea of mine, I figured I’d address it here! Basically I’ve got an entire closet full (okay more like 2 and a half) and I walk in and either 
1. feel as though I have nothing to wear


2. choose the same pieces over and over

The idea of a capsule wardrobe is so attractive to me because of the space and time it’s rumored to save, along with decreasing my footprint on consumerism and goods made under inhumane conditions. I really want to invest in a small quantity of classic, well-made pieces rather than run into Target and pay $5 for a top that will quite literally fall apart after one wash. 

I’m two days in so far and going strong! Will report back soon 🙂


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